We care about you, your wellbeing and the quality of your life and are committed to sharing our expertise in a genuine, open and honest way, with best interests in mind.
Breathing well and using breathwork should be a way of life for anyone wanting to feel and perform at their best. We want to show you how.
Our commitment, philosophy and what you can expect
We care about you, your wellbeing and the quality of your life and are committed to sharing scientific-based findings, proven techniques, knowledge, experiences and know-how in a genuine, open and honest way, with your safety and best interests in mind.
With first-hand experience, we know the impacts that stress, trauma, overwhelm, illness and poor sleep can have on the body and our breathing, but we also know that everyone is unique and experiences will differ. That is why our philosophy and approach is to inspire and empower you with the tools that allow you to make positive changes to your life, and those close to you.
We offer a safe, supportive and non-judgemental platform where you can explore and rediscover. Our platform is designed to help you live with more calm, clarity, confidence, joy, and purpose and that internal spark, the fire in your belly that may feel like it has been extinguished for some time – that is our wish for you.

who we help
Our mission is to help as many people as possible
Our mission is to help as many people as possible, so, quite frankly if you’re breathing, you’re in the right place! Breathwork will benefit everybody and in all areas of your life.
Everybody looking to improve the quality of their life, daily performance and overall physical, emotional and mental wellbeing
High achievers who want to access their full potential
Individuals, couples and families who want a deeper connection
Busy people who want to find more balance, calm and clarity
Anyone preparing for major events and challenges
Anyone wanting to explore breathwork and looking to get started on their journey
Those who want to overcome stress, limiting thoughts and anxiety
Suitable for busy and demanding lifestyles
We understand your time is precious, but remember so are you, and our aim is to show you how breathwork can easily become a way of life to support you through hectic times and to manage whatever comes your way.
On hectic or disrupted days we know it can be difficult to commit to lengthy sessions or practices, so we have cleverly designed techniques and breathing toolkits that offer a full range of opportunities and times to breathe to restore balance, reduce stress and declutter a busy mind – without having to pencil it into a diary! We will show you how to feel energised within minutes, without the double espresso!

did you know?
Effectiveness and simplicity
There is no woo woo here at The Social Breathwork.
All techniques, resources and tools are backed by science and designed to support people living in the modern day.
How The Social Breathwork ... works!
The Social breathwork is about effectiveness with simplicity!
There is no woo woo here, all techniques, resources and tools are backed by science and designed to support people living in the modern day. Whether you are looking to improve sleep, increase resilience to deal with stress, settle nerves for an event, improve performance at work or school, ease menopausal symptoms or would simply like to feel more connected to yourself, and those you love, The Social Breathwork is here to support you every step of the way.
We will help you to: Reset > Reconnect > Restart > Reap the Rewards
Feel an instant shift in how you think and feel, simply by changing how you breathe.
We will help you get back in sync with your breathing and your breathing habits, the first key step to wellness.
From the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep, we have got you covered.
Benefit from practical easy-to-apply breathing, better habits and wellbeing tools that range from 3 minutes to 30 minutes. Our methods are to provide real and practical solutions that can be applied in a real way. We provide everything, there is no guesswork, and we are there to cheerlead you forward.
Our programmes will kickstart your journey and shift you to where you want to be.
We will help you understand and overcome what’s holding you back so that you can step into your true self and design the life you choose, rather than living one by default.
Although better breathing and breathwork are the key drivers behind all we do, our mission is to help you make real changes to your everyday life, so we also include daily tools and ways to implement new habits to support you on this wonderful adventure.
Our programmes and wellbeing kits may include all or some of the following. Each programme will be listed with the tools used so that you can choose a path suitable for you.
Better breathing
Belief reprogramming and Hypnotherapy
Body-Breath Awareness and Reconnection
Setting you up for success
If you find it hard to implement new habits and daily plans, don’t worry, we have got you covered! You will find inspiration, simple habits and daily focus incentives that you can easily fit into your day, moving you in the right direction.